Vince Koehn

Well Known Member
Is there something I can do to make my electric elevator trim more user friendly? It is so extremely sensitive you barely trigger it and it is too much. You can't ever seem to get it exactly where you want it. I am constantly flicking the switch trying to get it right, and have resorting to not using the elevator trim as it is impossible to get right.
Have you tried the RAC speed control? I've flown a friends -6A quite a bit. He has the RAC G207 stick with the speed control wired to one of the switches. Setting the speed control to slow in cruise and fast for take-off and landing works perfectly.

N819VK said:
Is there something I can do to make my electric elevator trim more user friendly? It is so extremely sensitive you barely trigger it and it is too much. You can't ever seem to get it exactly where you want it. I am constantly flicking the switch trying to get it right, and have resorting to not using the elevator trim as it is impossible to get right.

What type of switch & relay are you using? My coolie hat + cheapo Radio Shack relay works fine on my -7. Yes, it's sensitive -- but a tap here, a tap there is all it takes.

)_( Dan
RV-7 N714D
Ray Allen

I am using the Ray Allen stick grip (G307). Since my post I have put in a Matronics govenor and tied it into a switch I had put in to stop my flap motor when my flaps were fully retracted. Now I have a new slow controllable elevator trim in flight and a fast elevator trim in the pattern once my flaps start coming down. Works like a charm!