
Active Member
Does anyone know if there is a cost effective option for a electric powered towbar? My RV-14A gets a little tough to to move in and out of the hanger at times and I have an uphill push to get in my hanger. Any thoughts? It would also give more control and allow me to fully focus on not hitting anything.
Couple folks here have built their own, try a search.

Converted snow blower is another option.
I have an electric Taildragger Dragger with differential axle. Great for heavy tailwheel aircraft.

I also have an AC Aircraft Technology remote controlled rubber tracked tug it can handle everything from an RV-3 to a Cessna 310. Super great for stacking a maintenance hangar.

Both items above are expensive and probably overkill for a RV in a T Hangar.

There is one product out there that basically uses a cordless dril to move small aircraft. That shoild be pretty cost effective.

I got a gas (100LL engine) power tug (EZ 40 powertug) that I'm going to be listing for sale. Its from my RV-9a and RV-6a days. I won't need it when I get the RV-7 finished. Let me know if your interested. I'm in San Diego.
I taxi into the hangar (up over a lip and uphill) and then it's easy to push the plane out. Two seat RVs are small enough that you can get away with it.

I also have a centerline stripe. On my very worst day, I'm a foot off. On a good day, about 1/4".

Your mileage may vary, of course.
I also have a slight uphill grade into my hangar and realized that the manual towbar wasn't going to do it.

I ordered a Best Tugs A2 and couldn't be happier. It's an excellent product (well-built and very capable) and I've received great service from the company at every contact. Highly recommended.
I'm crossing my fingers so far that my ramp doesn't develop frost heaves, so still push the RVs in by hand.
A friend uses one of those battery hand drill powered tow bars with his RV10 & says it handles it easily. Not so easy on an icy ramp.