
I am having a auto pilot and avidyne navigator installed in a few weeks. I am contiplating having electric pitch trim installed at the same time.
Anyone have any experience with making this change? Specially, are you glad you did it, would you do it again? How much time did it take you?
I converted from manual trim to electric trim. At the same time I installed new Tosten military style grips and a Pat Hatch UTRB control board. It took me about two weeks of steady work. Most of that time spent on wiring up my new grip. It?s a five button plus ?coolie hat? grip that controls PTT, ident, comm 1/comm 2 swap, flaps andA/P.

Instead of mounting the trim control motor inside the horizontal stabilizer I mounted on the shelf under the vertical stabilizer and ran a push/pull cable (custom length from Aircraft Spruce) to the existing trim tab on the elevator that the previous manual trim cable was attached to.

Wiring was definitely the hardest part of the job but after numerous emails and a few phone calls to Pat Hatch it was accomplished. I strongly recommend using the PH UTRB for your installation. Would I do it again? You betcha! I love this setup and I particularly love electric trim. Good luck.