
Well Known Member
1992 build with Vans EF-600 electric flap kit Ray Allen indicator, Show Planes Flap Positioning System. Pittman 9434E32 motor/gear box.

I have had on one occasion approx 6 months ago flaps not wanting to retract. Flap motor is running , no movement. I toggled, down then up, and flaps came up. Odd. Last week, 40 hours 20 or so more cycles later, no such luck....took 10 or more flipping up then down to get them to come up, flap motor running each time, and slight wiggle of flaps seen. Took covers off yesterday and found nothing odd, no binding visually, cycled up and down about 15 or so times with no issues. No grease seen, and little to none on push tube. Only possible find was a little ?roughness? around mid point on retraction, heard.

Any ideas on what might be happening here? Solution to fix sans replacing motor? Also, recommendation what to do if no retraction and away from home.

850 TT AF/engine ......Plane was built by Tony Bengelis

if you flap motor is running but no movement, then there is a chance that the rod end bearing has got unscrewed and separated from the flap motor. There is an old SB for the flap motor rod bearing to be safety wired. Take the inspection side off and examine it right away. It is also possible that the shaft in the actuator has extended out too far and is being jammed.

Lastly, (does not apply in your case here) there has been many report that the grease in the actuator make itself to the motor and cause it not to work. Many people take it apart and clean up the extra grease which fixes the issue but this issue prevents the motor to run whereas yours is running but not retracting.
if you flap motor is running but no movement, then there is a chance that the rod end bearing has got unscrewed and separated from the flap motor. There is an old SB for the flap motor rod bearing to be safety wired. Take the inspection side off and examine it right away. It is also possible that the shaft in the actuator has extended out too far and is being jammed

Thank you, but since intermittent, and 15 cycles yesterday with cover off viewing with no issues, wouldn?t it been pretty obvious if the rod end bearing was detached? Jam nut is in place and tight, though the bolt has not been drilled and safety wire for a second level of security as recommended in SB 07-4-12. I will see it is complied with during annual 2020 in a few months.
There is a built in clutch that operates when the actuator goes to limits. Perhaps this is slipping.