Why would anyone want electric flaps? Manual flap are simpler, faster to retract or extend and can be actuated quicker if needed.
I changed to electric flaps in my RV-4 after flap handle popped out of full flap position to no flaps on short final to Sedona. Mounted Servo under vert stab and used short cable to trim tab so wouldn’t have to do any changes to horizontal stag / trim tab. My wife then wanted her RV-4 modified to electric flaps after flying mine. She had a hard time pulling flap all the way down.
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Several ways to go..

I built mine with the VANs optional kit. It uses a different weldment, or modifies the one that's set up for manual. Others have mounted the actuator in the passenger sidewall instead of the tunnel below the front seat and modified the existing weldment . Keep searching these forums and you will find pictures of various set-ups. Although manual is "simpler", the electric set-up eliminates the passenger foot interference, and I have mine set up to buttons on the stick, so I have no need to take hands off throttle or stick.
We have a linear actuator kit, with weldments, blocks, etc. that mounts entirely beneath the floor for the Rockets/Raiders. It would likely work well in the RV-4, although you'll likely need to modify the tube length and the mounting angle aluminum. Easier to cut off than to add on though!

It might also work in the RV-8, but I'm not certain about the fuselage layout on the 8s.

We have one pre-production prototype kit left for $700. We'll have the production kits in several weeks. They'll be $850 (or so).

There are a few photos buried in our August newsletter. https://www.f1aircraft.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Team-Rocket-Newsletter-8-13-2019.pdf

Contact me directly please if interested. [email protected]