
Well Known Member
My project has the electric flap installation. There is a nylong block with a slot that guides the push rod out of the motor. The 2 bolts for that go through the floor and are held by nuts OUTSIDE the skin. That rod goes to a sort of bellcrank thing that reduces the throw. The mount for that is bolted to one of the floor beams and the pivot bolt also goes outside the airplane and hangs in the breeze.

These 3 nuts are going to rob me of at least 0.02 kts. Ok, I guess that's not the end of the world, but as an aerodyamicist they offend me. What are the alternatives? The bellcrank mount is already riveted to the beam so I can't move it off the floor without scrapping it. IS this how it is supposed to be done - bolted to the floor panels with nuts outside? Yeech!:mad:
Pan head bolts

The kit comes with pan head bolts, and the nuts are supposed to be on the inside. Very little external drag.
That's how it was on my -4, the bolt heads were on the outside of the fuselage bottom, very low profile. There may have been a reinforcement plate between the bolt heads, I can't remember, but it was all painted and really not obvious at all.
OK, so the bolts are head down. That's usually not considered safe as if the nut loosens the bolt falls out but I suppose I can't have it both ways. Thanks.