
Active Member
My electric elevator trim on my 9A got stuck in the up position as i was approaching the pattern. Had to wrestle her to the ground. Then it started working again. I took it through the full range of motion 2 times, it was fine. Then it stuck again.
Anybody experience this? Does it need lubrication?
Replace sticking switch. I have a rocker switch beside the throttle. I have a "pitch trim enable button" that must be pushed in, in addition to the rocker. This prevents a runaway trim condition, which can get us hurt in the -10.
My electric elevator trim on my 9A got stuck in the up position as i was approaching the pattern. Had to wrestle her to the ground. Then it started working again. I took it through the full range of motion 2 times, it was fine. Then it stuck again.
Anybody experience this? Does it need lubrication?

Define stuck.
You push the button and nothing happens?
Or you push the button and the trim keeps going when you release it?

If it is the first one, and you have an older ray allen relay deck installed, it is the classic symptom of it beginning to fail.
the first one

It is the first one. when it gets stuck, it will not move when you push the switch. It will start working again after a few minutes.

Should I replace the ray allen with the new safety trim available on Vans site?