
Active Member
Does anyone have both electric and manual trim? I would prefer to have both in my aircraft. I once accidentally kicked my trim hat on my stick while getting out of my aircraft. I later flew the aircraft and found out the trim didn't work. I had to fly back to my home airport around 80 KIAS to minimize stick forces. Anyone have an ideas on installing Manual and Electric Trim?
Just run manual and be done with it!

This one probably needs to go in the "Never Ending Debates" forum... ;)

After experiencing manual trim in a Cessna 172 and a friend's RV, I don't see why any reason for it. Electrical trim is much easier, and except for nose up trim in the landing configuration, not an override problem at any normal setting.

I did include both roll and pitch trim cutoff switches during the build, but now wish I hadn't.

FWIW - I also think the operational advantages of electric flaps far outweigh any reliability concerns leading to a manual flaps decision.
An idea

If you are looking for ideas, how about the ability to manually move the trim servo? I recall that the servo in the elevator is a pretty tight fit but you might be able to get about 1/2 inch of travel.