
Well Known Member
I’m considering an EL strip under the glare shield for panel illumination. Has anyone tried dimming and EL strip using the PWM circuits of the GAD27?

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EL strips themselves are AC powered, but the inverter is DC -- see https://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/pnpages/10-00321.php and https://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/inpages/14vlightinverter.php for example.

Now, will the inverter handle PWM DC? That is the question...

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The inverter is, indeed, DC powered, however, it is going to output the specified AC volts and freqs until it reaches its minimum voltage threshold at which point it will cut out. It is my understanding that you would need a circuit to alter the AC frequency in order to dim the EL light strip. A quick search on the internet yielded a few somewhat complex circuits to do that.
not committed

If you're not committed to an EL strip for your glare shield try an LED strip instead. Something like this -


One of these will definitely work with the GAD-27.



Hi Dave

No, I'm not committed to the EL strip. In fact I'm all setup for LED through the GAD27 and have the strip. The EL tape is just a much lower profile for the intended area under the glare shield and annunciator. So if it works I was going to try it. Otherwise I stick with plan A (LED strip).

No, I'm not committed to the EL strip. In fact I'm all setup for LED through the GAD27 and have the strip.
Gotcha. It should have occurred to me that you're already looking at that. :)

Tagging on to Bob/rocketman1988's post, the EL strip's DC-to-AC inverter could be an EMI generator if it's not properly designed/manufactured. Might be worth checking out on the bench with a handheld VHF radio before a permanent installation. Apologies if you're already looking at that as well.



Gotcha. It should have occurred to me that you're already looking at that. :)

Tagging on to Bob/rocketman1988's post, the EL strip's DC-to-AC inverter could be an EMI generator if it's not properly designed/manufactured. Might be worth checking out on the bench with a handheld VHF radio before a permanent installation. Apologies if you're already looking at that as well.



Your suggestion is exactly where I’d be heading. I have a handheld at the hangar. IF the EL inverter can be dimmed through PWM then I’ll proceed with testing. I simply don’t see where anyone has done this through the GAD27 yet.
