
Well Known Member

Should the EIS warning light be lit whenever the warning tone is audible? I just installed the EIS and I get a constant tone(presumably for low oil pressure) but the warning light only flashes on for a second when the power comes on. The tone stays constant, but he light does not. Any thoughts?
The warning light should flash whenever a parameter has been exceeded, and remain flashing until you hit Ack. After that, the light remains on (steady) until the parameter is no longer exceeded.

If it behaves differently, then either the light is mis-wired or the unit is defective.
You say you just wired it up, but have you set all the limits? I've got mine hooked up but have not set anything yet and it also flashes once when it comes on. Regarding the tone, I do not have that feature so I can't say.

I just went and had a look at my EIS wiring diagram since I couldn't remember this thing having an audible alarm. In my diagram (yours may be different) there is a red/blue wire labled "audio out (to intercom)". However, in the lower left corner of the page there is a note saying that this wire is not to be connected at this time and is reserved for future growth.

I also looked at GRT website and find no mention of an audible alarm function. They use the word alarm quite a bit, but I believe that is referring to the flashing light and display.

In any case, I have no desire for an audible alarm as I feel the big red light is hard to miss, and the last thing I want during a crisis is something screeching in my ear.
Follow up EIS question

I have the audio output of my EIS 4000 hooked up thru my Flightcom
403 intercom aux input. As soon as the EIS powers up, I have a tone that is
constant. It is maybe 1/4 (very subjective)as loud as the actual
warning tone(I thought it WAS the warning tone before I set the
limits on the EIS and heard the actual tone). Any thoughts how to
get rid of it? I have isolated various audio inputs with a 510K
resistor before feeding them into the aux audio. I know it is the
EIS b/c if I power the EIS down, the tone goes away.

Just out of curiosity, does your manual have the same note as mine about not connecting the audio wire? Does you manual explicitly discuss an audio warning?
No Note


I saw no note about not connecting an audio wire- where did you find it. I may have missed it.
It's on the page that shows a big drawing of the connector and all the wires coming out of it. Each wire's color and purpose is spelled out. Down in the lower left of the page it says not to connect the audio wire.
Found the note

I see the note now, but in a discussion with Sandy, she did not say it should not be used and other than the background tone, it works well. That said, the Big Red Light is hard to miss and the tone is distracting. I might just disconnect.

Steve - thanks for your help.