
Well Known Member

Continuing with our EIS4000 testing. I've got aux imputs working on aux 2, 3, 5 & 6, however Aux 1 and Aux 4 aren't reading anything other than zero.

I've checked the Scale and Offsets - all 100 and 0 for testing (also used 93 and 177 for halleffect testing). I've moved 'working' aux 5 inputs to 4 and 1 - nothing and checked the wiring (white/brown and green respectively) from termination to pin - no problems.

I'm really hoping I don't have a hardware problem, but I can't see any configuration options that would make a difference. I've done a 'right button power up reset' also and other parameters are working fine (volt, OAT, OilT, OilP etc).


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Just sorted

Carl, I have to dash out, but will reply in an hour or so. I have just finally sorted mine out.
I'm DDDDDI & ++++++ in the config. The issue is 'nothing' is showing on the Aux1 & 4 entries (always zero).

Well nuts Carl, I read your first post just before I went to bed, and decided to sleep on it, but the only suggestion I came up with was the same as Peter's. Let me drag out the manual, and see if I see anything from a different perspective. (It might be that reading it in the Northern hemisphere will give me a diferent "spin"....)


All I could come up with is this, which I sent by email to Carl:

You're out of my depth Carl.

One last thought.
If the input is Fuel Level then the Aux SF (should be AuxOFF) MUST be an ODD number.

All I can think of, depending what Aux 1 and Aux 4 are supposed to be sensing, try using the Values I sent you for VH-WHZ. Believe me when fiddling around I would find 145/399 gave close results and 145/400 gave rubbish.


PS. In desperation he rang me from NZ. Afraid it was the blind leading the informed. Carl's pretty sharp with electronics.

I've goem through the manual, and played with my settings on a short flight today, and unfortunately, you've got me stumped....the odd/even thing Peter mentions is the closest guess I'd have too. Let me ask this, casue I'm not sure I got it right - you tested a known good sensor on a suspect channel, and got nothing, right? Did you try a suspect sensor on a known good channel? If so, did the sensor read OK?

I know how hard it is for you guys to connect on the phone with GRT - but I know that Todd, Greg and Sandy lurk on the Yahoo group - you might post over there and see if you get a response...

Sorry I'm not being very helpful. Once I got my EIS set up, I have pretty much ignored it, and do all my diddling on the EFIS....

EIS4000 - FADEC SBC features

It is a feature not a bug.....

Paul - Yes I was testing a simple POT + reisistor (working 'sensor') and moving between the inputs.

A email overnight to Sandy @ GRT has provided the answers, for the archive I'll copy in here:

Addendum Sheet - Aerosonce FADEC version.

The following data is received from the FADEC. The analog inputs for these signals are not used, as only data from the serial port will be displayed:

All CHTs
All EGTs
Fuel Pressure
Manifold Pressure
Carb (Induction Air) Temperature

All other inputs require sensors, including oil temperature, oil pressure
and fuel flow.

Configuring the Auxiliary Inputs

Aux1 and Aux4 are used by the FADEC function, and may not be used to sense other data. They should be configured as described as follows:

Aux1 is used for manifold pressure, and is displayed in inches of mercury on
a absolute scale (the traditional format for manifold pressure). Aux1 should
be configured as and decimal display, and a label, such as "MAP" should be
entered for aux1.

Aux4 is used for fuel pressure, and is displayed in increments of one PSI,
relative to the local air pressure (gauge pressure). Fuel pressure is sensed
by the FADEC in units of absolute pressure, requiring the altimeter option
be included in the instrument to allow the EIS to convert this pressure from
absolute to gauge. Aux4 should be configured as and integer display, and a
label, such as "FPr" should be entered for aux4.

The scale factor (1SF and 4SF) and offset (1Off and 4Off) are not used, and
do not need to be set.

So looks like eveything is good - just need to re-work the AUX layout a little. Again the GRT H/W & S/W is on the money - the doucmentation for the edge of evenvelope configuration is a little patchy....

Thanks for all the thoughts / ideas,
