
Well Known Member
Can someone step me through how to delete specific "pages" that appear on the EIS 4000 display?

I usually have to flip through a bunch of pages I don't use in order to get the info I'm looking for.

I'm familiar with the "page map" in the manual which identifies the pages by number, so I can pick out the ones that I don't want. I've also read the directions on how to delete pages -- but I have to confess, I can't make heads or tails of the procedure.

EIS 4000 disabling pages

Section 8 in the user manual details how to disable up to 10 of the 15 pages that can be displayed by the EIS 4000

8. Disabling Pages

Note: Ten "Disable Pg #" pages are provided. Each of these pages allow one entry. The entry may be either "Off" (indicating this particular "Disable Pg #" page is not disabling any pages), or it may be a number between 0 and 15 corresponding to the page being disabled. The ten "Disable Pg #" pages look identical, with the possible exception of the entry on the page. This gives the appearance that the page is not changing as you page through each of the 10 pages, but in fact there are ten of these pages.

You have to enter the ?Configuration Set? pages in order to accomplish this.

To access the ?Configuration Set? pages, press and hold the center and right button until the screen shows ?UP DOWN NEXT? on the bottom row. The display will momentarily show the ?Set Lean Pt? page while holding these buttons. This is normal. After about 5-10 seconds, the ?Configuration Set? pages will be displayed.

Once the ?UP DOWN NEXT? options are display keep pressing NEXT until the first "Disable Pg # option is displayed. These are at the very end of the configuration options so you will be pressing the NEXT key a bunch of times.

You will need to refer to the user manual to determine the page numbers of the pages you don't want to be displayed in normal operation.

Okay I think I get this now.

Also suspect I still don't have the right manual.

I really appreciate the help!!
Yes to all that, and I believe at the end of the process there is a "save" button, if it is not set nothing will be changed.
I've also read the directions on how to delete pages -- but I have to confess, I can't make heads or tails of the procedure.


Welcome to the world of GRT

Great equipment but the documentation leaves a bit many folks stranded :(
Yes to all that, and I believe at the end of the process there is a "save" button, if it is not set nothing will be changed.

There is no save button or function on the EIS. You are directly changing the configuration as you edit/modify any field.
There is no save button or function on the EIS. You are directly changing the configuration as you edit/modify any field.

It's been a while since set up, but changes were made and did not take.
Was told because were not saved. Don't remember how it was done but did rid of some pages.
Could be because did not go through entire page list but quit too soon.
It's good system was set up, I like passive warning feature best.
It's been a while since set up, but changes were made and did not take.
Was told because were not saved. Don't remember how it was done but did rid of some pages.
Could be because did not go through entire page list but quit too soon.
It's good system was set up, I like passive warning feature best.

I suppose it is possible that changes are lost if you don't navigate to the end of the menu structure. I have never powered off before fully exiting the config mode by going forward to the end. I didn't think there was a way to exit the config mode without either going to the end via the Next key or powering off.