
Well Known Member
Anyone know what the latest EI Commander doc version is? I have this version:

Version: 2.02a
April 19, 2012

which seems to cover what I need, just want to make sure it's the current version.

I programmed my pmag as described in another thread to the recommendation there for my parallel valve, io-360, 8.5:1, hartzell constant speed. All seemed to work as expected.


I don't know about the current version of the EICommander but if your PMAG are running version 40 or 41, the negative 1.4 is not needed which typically is done for light weight prop. Unless you are doing it for some other reason.
I don't know about the current version of the EICommander but if your PMAG are running version 40 or 41, the negative 1.4 is not needed which typically is done for light weight prop. Unless you are doing it for some other reason.

Actually, the -1.4 is to bring move the base timing from 26.4 to 25? BTDC. The light weight prop in the latest revision is handled by the software to fire at 5 degrees after TDC to avoid kick-back.

That said, I am running Adv. Shift of 0 and have no issues with CHT, which, I believe, is the reason for running -1.4.
We have made some minor updates to the manual but not the EIC software. I emailed you the updated version 2.03.

I don't know about the current version of the EICommander but if your PMAG are running version 40 or 41, the negative 1.4 is not needed which typically is done for light weight prop. Unless you are doing it for some other reason.

For a parallel valve engine with standard compression, this advance shift is perfect. As stated above, if timed to TDC, this will set the timing for takeoff at 25.2°. Whereas the standard "A curve" sets the timing at almost 27° (26.6°).

I would recommend reducing the max advance to 32.2°. The reason is the P-mags advance an additional 1.4° past the setting. So in cruise, you are probably seeing 25°, which is just a bit too much. Bring it back 32.2 (33.6 in operation) should give you a little more speed and cooler CHT's.
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Actually, the -1.4 is to bring move the base timing from 26.4 to 25° BTDC. The light weight prop in the latest revision is handled by the software to fire at 5 degrees after TDC to avoid kick-back.

That said, I am running Adv. Shift of 0 and have no issues with CHT, which, I believe, is the reason for running -1.4.
To be clear, this setting has nothing to do with kickback. Beginning with P-mag firmware version 40, the P-mags fire at 4.2° after TDC when below 400 RPM's for starting.

Those numbers only come into play as manifold pressure and RPM's come up. At low RPM's and low manifold pressure, the timing moves closer to TDC to help with low speed idle. Below 600 RPM's I've seen 16.8°.

Play with your timing, if you get a chance and see how it impacts your performance. Just don't use the B configuration (no jumper) it has way too much advance!
Bill R.,

From reading the sticky ?Pmag timing explained? I understood setting the Max Advance? to 33.6 is best for an O320.

From this thread I?m understanding 32.2 may be better.

Am I reading it all wrong or has thinking evolved due to new information and/or experience?
pmag max advance 32.2

I would recommend reducing the max advance to 32.2?. The reason is the P-mags advance an additional 1.4? past the setting. So in cruise, you are probably seeing 25?, which is just a bit too much. Bring it back 32.2 (33.6 in operation) should give you a little more speed and cooler CHT's.
Thanks for the manual Bill and for the tip on timing. I will adjust down to 32.2? next time I'm at the hangar. Didn't know about the extra 1.4? added. When the EI Commander reports timing, will it also be the "pre 1.4" value?
Thanks for the manual Bill and for the tip on timing. I will adjust down to 32.2° next time I'm at the hangar. Didn't know about the extra 1.4° added. When the EI Commander reports timing, will it also be the "pre 1.4" value?
Give me a call and I'll explain.
Does 32.2 apply to an angle valve IO-360 as well?

Thank you.

No, the Angle valve engines need to have the entire timing curved shifted down six degrees from the standard A curve to start at about 21°.. (The no jumper B curve starts at a bit over 30°, so DO NOT use it!)

PS. This applies to all Angle Valve engines; IO-360, 390, 400, etc. The heads on these engines cool VERY well and a bad timing setting may not show up as high CHT's like a bad timing setting will with a parallel valve engine.
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Bill R.,

From reading the sticky “Pmag timing explained” I understood setting the Max Advance” to 33.6 is best for an O320.

From this thread I’m understanding 32.2 may be better.

Am I reading it all wrong or has thinking evolved due to new information and/or experience?

Yes, a little bit of both.

As I stated, the P-mags advance 1.4° past the Max Advance software setting. So if they are set to 33.6°, in service they will actually advance to 35°, which appears to be a bit much for most of us.
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