
Hi, new here been reading a lot but now have a question about my 6A I am building. I am putting a Dynon Sky View in, I have the engine probe kit but am not sure where to mount the EGT probes in the pipes because of the bend or welds in the pipes in the area where Dynon say they are supposed to go. Anyone have any pictures or info on where they put the probes.

Thanks Dannie
EGT probe location

Best I can recall without pulling the cowling is that the probes are located two inches or so, below the exhaust gaskets...it's been awhile but the probe manufacturer may details an acceptable range.
Make them all the same

It's no much important as where they go as it is that they should all be the same distance from the exhaust flange. So, look for your hardest one to mount, and then match the others for distance.

First, WELCOME TO THE GOOD SHIP VAF. Can't believe I beat Mike S. He must be napping in his easy chair. He's getting old.... :D

Second, what Vic said. Most important that they are equal in spacing from the flange. I'll try to find a photo of mine (EI probes but the concept applies)

Found an early pic. I was working on baffling, I think but you can see the probe placement. It's been working great for 250 hrs.

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Bill the pipes are not drilled and my understanding was they needed to be 4'' to 6'' below the flange and on #3 there is not that much room. I was not sure if I could go closer without causing some kind of problem. Vic do you thank it hurt anything to go closer to the flange, I thank I can only get about 2" to 2 1/2''.

GL thanks for the pic that is what I needed. You must have been typing the same time I was. Looks like a couple in. from the flange would not be a problem.

I just found out that I have the Vetterman with 1 1/2 in. tubes instead of 1 3/4 in. tubes. When I saw GLs picture I knew something was different.
That's OK

Dannie, soprry I missed this. You will be OK at 2 to 2.5 inches. I think that is where I have mine.

Here's our RV-6A, Vetterman Exhaust (late 90s), at 1.5 inches from the flange. Before you drill, check the orientation of where the head of the hose-clamp will be for ease of access (remove and replace) :) Rosie & Tuppergal

Hello Dannie. First welcome. Second mine are placed about 2 inches below likes the photos seen above. Also, I wouldn't waste my time using the EGT probes provided by Dynon. My first one went bad in the first 70 hrs. Even Dynon tech support told me they are not of "the best quality" EGT probes and I should expect them to go bad and have to replace them.

With advice from others I replaced all my probes from KS Avionics. They are more expensive but much better quality and come with a 2yr 1000 hrs warranty...

just my .02.

(I do not work for or in any way am I compensated for the KS Avionics plug)
Hi, new here been reading a lot but now have a question about my 6A I am building. I am putting a Dynon Sky View in, I have the engine probe kit but am not sure where to mount the EGT probes in the pipes because of the bend or welds in the pipes in the area where Dynon say they are supposed to go. Anyone have any pictures or info on where they put the probes.

Thanks Dannie

Welcome aboard.
Watch this video and I think you will answer your own question.
the video is by Mike Busch, a guru on engines, EGT, CHT, and how they relate.
Good Luck