If they want a fair comparison, they should use a TIO-540.

They also conveniently left off the fuel flow.;)
They are trying to compete with a 540 cubic inch engine with only 183 cubic inches so they need the turbo. No doubt it will be slower than the IO-540 below 10K. Fuel flow at 14K was listed- 2 gal/hr. more than the 540 for 10 knots more TAS. A reasonable trade for some doing long trips and going high. That being said, the 540 will do about the same TAS for the same fuel flow at 10-12K where you don't need oxygen.
Cool beans

I don't know I rather like the cowl inlets oriented vertically.

I would love to see Side-by-Side, but congrats all involved. Neat-Oooo :D
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How has the turbo installation gone? I see the website says more than 100 hours flying ...since this is the only one flying, I suspect that they are saying Dan has 100 hours...but many hours were sans turbo.

How many hours on the turbo, have there been any cooling/reliability issues so far?
Jan has been flying the turbo RV10 since early September and doing many test flights. Previous to this, he was flying the turbo in his RV6A. The turbo has worked well. They have developed a neat hybrid turbo controller and learned a lot about boost control, detonation margins, cam timing, temps and pressures, alternate induction setups, ignition timing and air/fuel ratios. The -10 is well instrumented. This has allowed them to get the prop optimized, engine cooling improved, gearbox cooling improved and reduced drag through the new cowling and cowl flap designs.

The Gen 3 gearbox is getting a good workout on these long climbs at MCP.

Wish I was down there right now. Very interesting work to be doing.:):cool:
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