
Well Known Member
Do you guys know if anybody is installing an Egg Subby on an RV10? What about any other alternative powerplants?

Freddy Marino
Yes, there are a couple in the works. The '07 egg engines are just about to be delivered with turbo versions slated for Aug/ Sept. delivery I think.

Vesta is still working towards LS-2 deliveries for the RV10 (at least one VAF member is going that route) and there is at least one other auto conversion in the works for RV10s.
CG Issue

Thanks for your reply rv6ejguy. Don't you think that the weight of the LS-2 might be an issue? I was looking at some figures posted on completed -10's and it seemed to me that even with the lyc 540 they were quite nose heavy. Do they need balast to bring the CG aft? Am I missing something? Thanks
Yes, IMO the LS2 with drive, rads, coolant etc. and even the lightest prop will require tail ballast to keep the C of G within limits with no pax in the back seats.

20-25 lbs. of lead in the stab area will require some structural reinforcement to be safe. This combined with the higher weight of the FF components will probably demand a gross weight increase for many. I suppose twin batteries could be moved way aft instead of dead weight like lead.

An aluminum six if some type is better suited to the RV10 airframe in my view.


I just returned from a trip to visit my new engine. Hopefully it will be shipped tomorrow. It is a beast! We also added a supercharger which will boost the weight. I don't know how much it weighs but as soon as I get it I will weigh it. Hopefully I will get on the plane within a month and start it up. I added another battery in the back plus I put the Blue Mountain EFIS/One box and autopilot in the back to help with the C.G. A new cowl with airvents on the side was built.
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Cooool! Please keep us informed on the weight/ C of G/ installation and performance of the package. Looks like things are coming along. :) :cool:
How Much?

Oh my God! You are going to weigh it after you buy it???? What if it weighs
too much???? Apologizing in advance my lack of sensitivity, but it looks like a something you would put in a tugboat!
Yukon said:
Oh my God! You are going to weigh it after you buy it???? What if it weighs
too much???? Apologizing in advance my lack of sensitivity, but it looks like a something you would put in a tugboat!
I'm thinking he was referring to the supercharger.
A lot of the rubber tubing and the two radiators really add to the bulky look. It probably is very similiar to your friend's engine. Did he weigh his? We did a preliminary weight calculation and we should be about 50-60 lbs heavy. Now, does that match reality? We shall see. Ours has a supercharger and AC so it will be and look heavy than the normal IO-540 installation.
The IO-540 comes in at just over 400 lbs. without accessories like starter, alternator, baffling, mags, injection, exhaust etc. Figure around 450-470 ready to turn a prop. An LS is around 410 bare- no flywheel, no starter, alternator, pulleys, exhaust, ignition etc. Unfortunately adding the accessories, redrive, rads, coolant etc. will add something on the order of 180-220 lbs. to this figure depending on flywheel used ( flex plate about 6, dual mass manual flywheel 40) and exhaust. I've included supercharger here. The minimum an LS conversion would weigh without supercharger and muffler would be around 565 lbs. which is around 100 lbs. more than the Lycoming. A really light prop like the Sensenich Carbon 4 blade C/S might save you 35 lbs. over the typical Hartzell club which could shift the C of G favorably and reduce the FF penalty to about 65 lbs., best scenario.

The total moment could be similar as the LS will have to be right against the firewall to fit with the redrive length, assuming similar cowling lengths. Can be done if all the details were considered carefully.

Very interesting project to watch unfold. :)
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TSwezey said:
A lot of the rubber tubing and the two radiators really add to the bulky look. It probably is very similiar to your friend's engine. Did he weigh his? We did a preliminary weight calculation and we should be about 50-60 lbs heavy. Now, does that match reality? We shall see. Ours has a supercharger and AC so it will be and look heavy than the normal IO-540 installation.
They weighed it, but would only say "it's heavy". Some beefing up of the nose strut was in order-retractable remember-as well as some firewall work. I'm not very familiar with Lancair construction, so I don't know if this is normal or not. I know the IO-550 Conti's that normally go up there are heavy as well.
The Lancair is designed for a 600 lb. engine and with minor mods, 600hp Walter turbines are routinely hung on them as well. The RV10 does not fit this mold.