
Well Known Member
Greetings fellow Aviators,

Cabin fever - winter cabin fever, no less, call it the February blahs.

In spite of a rather cold local temp, I decided to add a little life to the situation by rolling out the RV-7A and challenge the environment. First off, the oil cooler was closed off 100% with a piece of cardboard backed with some 500 mph tape - the last time I flew in January, the oil temp did not get up to 150F.

Local weather was 12F, 7 miles visibility in light snow and 4000' overcast, almost calm wind. The engine started after about 4 blades and ran without hesitation. Preheat not necessary with the H6, but it does have 5W30 oil. The cabin was really cold but after running the engine about 5 minutes the coolant temp came off the peg and the heater began to displace some of the cold air. I ran about 10 minutes more on the ground to get the oil temp up to 100 also.

I was concerned about the MT electric prop working so a run up to about 2000 rpm and a manual toggle to course pitch revealed it was working. Great. Check list completed so off we went down a very rough, frozen sod runway. It did not take long and the thing was hauling butt, even pulled back to 2300 rpm, it climbed at close to 2000 fpm at 125 KIAS. The machine was light though, only had about 18 gallons of fuel.

I flew some 30 miles to KSUS, shot a full stop taxi back as there was absolutely no one around except the tower guy and a couple corporate jets. Oil temp got up to 200F which is perfect for getting rid of any moisture in the system. Cabin temp wasn't too bad, but I wouldn't want to make a living there all day. The stick felt like a big pop cycle between my legs.

On the way home I ran at 2500 rpm to start as I was getting cold but then 1900 rpm was set to save a little gas, but it would not come down. I think the hub got too cold and decided not to respond to a course pitch signal, either in auto or manual. It would go more fine pitch, but not course. So I flew home in fixed pitch mode, no big deal. In the hangar, I ran manual course pitch and it worked, so I think it is OK, just got too cold for today.

No one in his right mind should fly in 12 degree weather unless its for money, love, or war, but I'm glad I did as it was fun as usual and the February blahs are gone for now. :)

A couple of weeks ago we did a local breakfast run and upon landing noticed the temp was -12F At altitude it was warmer so there was no problem keeping warm. Gotta love the greenhouse we have for a canopy on winter days. What I noticed in the cold temps was the flight controls are stiffer when I wiggled them prior to takeoff. Other than that no problems flying. About 5 years ago we flew in a constant -4F without any problems so we could check out my buddies plane at the paint shop. You really notice the drafts when it that cold. Plane performs great at 0 and below here in Denver.

Last week I went flying in a cold 45 degrees. It was really drafty.
Today was more favorable at a cozy 75.
Sorry guys, it's a great time to fly here in central florida.