
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
I have been waiting to enter the electronic chart arena until something thin and light came along. Just today I saw an ad for the eFlyBook from Arinc - looks like they just introduced it at Oshkosh - I was wondering if anyone that was lucky enough to get there had a look, and what they thought?

This one looks intriguing! The cockpit of an RV-8 lends itself to something more handy than a brain-bag full of approach plates...

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Ironflight said:
I have been waiting to enter the electronic chart arena until something thin and light came along. Just today I saw an ad for the eFlyBook from Arinc - looks like they just introduced it at Oshkosh - I was wondering if anyone that was lucky enough to get there had a look, and what they thought?

This one looks intriguing! The cockpit of an RV-8 lends itself to something more handy than a brain-bag full of approach sharts...

Paul, I took a **quick** look at it and was fairly impressed.

It is *different* in that it is a dedicateed "reader" from what I can tell and the app of having plates is simply one that has been targetted at "us".

It is thin and light and easy to read.

I did not get a chance to play with it much but I will say that if I were flying IFR a lot, I probably would buy one. If I do not leave tommorrow, I may take a more detailed look and report back.

svanarts said:
They talk about it here at enGadget. This is just an ereader but if all you need is to look at aviation stuff then this will do that. It's definately not a moving map. Maybe in the future. Here is a review with some hands-on info:

Thanks for that link Scott - some good info! It certainly sounds like it is purpose-built to replace all of that black-on-white paper that we lug around on the of-chance we might have to divert somewhere when fllying in the clouds. Fortunately, with my EFIS, I'm not looking for another moving map! :D

Still interested in any more first-hand accounts!

Brian130 said:
Is it basically a PDF reader then?

And another question, can you upload your own PDF's to it? If so, think checklists - other inflight forms, whatever you want. I'm wondering if an approach chart subscription is even necessary anymore - given that you can download the charts for free. Of course, the enroute charts are another story.
Y'all might want to hold off long enough for a device that uses e-ink to come out. E-Ink is an lcd-like technology that allows images to be displayed without consuming any power. Power is used only to select and change images. The Popular Science article I read said that on one battery charge you could read the entire Harry Potter series three times. Very cool. Sony is making one - others will follow.
mdredmond said:
Y'all might want to hold off long enough for a device that uses e-ink to come out. E-Ink is an lcd-like technology that allows images to be displayed without consuming any power. Power is used only to select and change images. The Popular Science article I read said that on one battery charge you could read the entire Harry Potter series three times. Very cool. Sony is making one - others will follow.
If I read the limited information I've seen on this thing correctly Matt,I think that it is actually an E-Ink device....but I could be wrong!

Ironflight said:
If I read the limited information I've seen on this thing correctly Matt,I think that it is actually an E-Ink device....but I could be wrong!

I think you are correct Paul.

THey showed it to me and said it would hold the picture (image) with the power off as I recall.

BrickPilot said:
And another question, can you upload your own PDF's to it? If so, think checklists - other inflight forms, whatever you want. I'm wondering if an approach chart subscription is even necessary anymore - given that you can download the charts for free. Of course, the enroute charts are another story.
According to their Fact sheet it supports PDF file as well as TXT files. They are supposedly adding more. Strange thing is that the amount of internal memory is tiny (256MB of which only 128 is avail) fortunately you can add SD cards as well as CF cards. Also according to their FAQ it is an E-Ink device.

VERY COOL device and for $899 it is a lot cheaper the comparable PC based devices. Interesting thing is that it also has both wired and wireless Ethernet built in. Might make for some very interesting future capabilities.
So the eBook will let you replace all the paper you lug around (FARS, Approach Plates, Airport Directory, Encyclopedia, etc). I think that's definately a step in the right direction. For me though, I still want GPS input so I can see where I am on that taxiway diagram. :)

The pace at which high technology is moving into our cockpits is staggering. I remember when I thought my Garmin 55 AVD was the end-all device, never need anything again after that. And now... wow.
svanarts said:
So the eBook will let you replace all the paper you lug around (FARS, Approach Plates, Airport Directory, Encyclopedia, etc). I think that's definately a step in the right direction. For me though, I still want GPS input so I can see where I am on that taxiway diagram. :)
I had to organize, pack, and carry every approach book and every chart (high and low) for the entire US on a trip a few weeks ago. Oh how nice it'd be to have a 5GB CF card and this 1/2" thick reader!!!! :D :cool: I'll even buy it myself if they'll let me use it!