mike newall

Well Known Member
Just back from Sun n Fun, one of the purposes was to review EFIS options for the 8.

Mmmmm - one needs deep pockets for any of them and I didn't realise how much the 7 had ultimately cost as it all came in bits and pieces. We have dual Dynons, Trutrak, Garmin 430 etc.

I have just sat down to compare Dynon Skyview, Dynon Flightdeck plus bits, Garmin G3X and Advanced Systems.

My requirement isn't enormously grand - just a competent set up that will allow for IFR if we get so cleared in the UK during the next couple of years.

I want EFIS, Engine monitoring, GPS mapping, Mode S Txp and 2 axis autopilot. AOA is an advantage but not essential.

The comparison is like this.......

Dynon 10" Skyview with 2 axis autopilot and built in Txp (Trig), AOA $10865

Dynon 7" Flightdeck 180, Garmin 695, Trig Txp, AP Interface plus servos, AOA $11312

Garmin G3X, Trutrak Digiflight II Autopilot and servos, Trig Txp, No AOA $17223

Advanced AF4500EE, EMS kit, Map, 2 axis Autopilot, Trig Txp $16034

Pheeeeew !

Having spoke with most of the vendors at the show, I can't see a cheaper way........

Thanks Mike, I've been starting into the same thought process. Your data is a big help. I assume your prices are just for the items you mention and does not include the 430W or other IFR-capable GPS/NAV/COM.

For the RV-8 in particular, I am particularly excited about the portrait-display of the G3X. Repeated proddings to Dynon have not yielded any interest in portrait displays. I really would like to have dual 7" screens side-by-side, not stacked vertically. One for PFD and one for engine monitoring/moving-map NAV. Too bad the G3X has such a price premium relative to the others. I suppose it may be worth the heritage back to certified stuff. But so far, the Dynon stuff, although perhaps more "consumer grade" seems pretty solid - I really like my EMS D-120.

I'm interested in what others think about this.

You wouldn't happen to have those broken down without the autopilots, would you? I literally just turned on the computer to do this exact list.

Any help?


No autopilot

Dynon Skyview - $9155

Flightdeck - $9362

Garmin - $13373

Advanced - $11084

They don't include a radio or GNS430 etc.

Original prices were for the EFIS/AP/TXP as most of them will integrate them now.

In our 7, we have D100/EMS120, Garmin stack - audio panel, 430, second VHF and Mode S Txp.

I am very comfortable with the display of the Dynon PFD, the EMS is programmable and gives a good graphic display.

Have a look though the panel shot for the 8 - there are portrait and landscape displays. I thought that the dual Dynon setup would be more economical, however when you integrate the extras, it gets more expensive.

And we worry about the cost of Avgas..........

Keep the comments coming :D
Joe -

PM or email me about your fastback - saw some pretty ones and Dan's at S & F and am now tempted.

Happy, complicated, easy ?
Trutrak EFIS/EMS /

Hi Mike,
Did you talk to Trutrak about their EFIS/EMS/AP combo?


EFIS SG - $3200
EMS option - add $600 + probes
2-Axis Autopilot option - add $2000
Engine Probes - Lycoming/Continental 4 Cylinder - $550
Fuel Flow - Add $200

Sub-total = $6550

Then add your price for Trig Txp, G695 & AoA

Last edited:
$11747.......... :eek:

As I say, this is an interesting minefield.

Thus far, the Skyview seems to offer the best compromise, and compromise is always the way forward with our non lottery funded hobby :cool:

Next !
"Advanced AF4500EE, EMS kit, Map, 2 axis Autopilot, Trig Txp $16034"???

AF-4500EE Show Special $6453
Sensor Kit $1,100
Map $0 for single screen special
AF-Pilot Autopilot $4,950

Total $12,503

If you can wait until July you can have the AF-5600 for less than $1,500 more.

A single screen AF-5600 has around 10% more screen area and 2.4% more pixels than a two screen G3X system.

A single screen AF-5600 has around 16% more screen area and 28% more pixels than a 10" Skyview.

Rob Hickman
Advanced Flight Systems Inc.