Rene Bubberman

Well Known Member
Hello guys,

We are now in the firewall forward stage and the time is coming soon that we have to make a final decision about the avionics. Up until now the main instrument was the BMA Efis One, see for our ambitious plans. But, besides that THIS layout is not going to fit ;) , I am starting to get the impression that the Efis One is not developed as enthousiasticly as I would hope. Also reports like in this forum give me the impression that we are in for a lot of work and trouble if we continue on this path. Mind that we are living in the Netherlands and I do not expect Greg to come over to help us out of the mess. So what to do? I allready bought and installed the AP servoes so I guess we are a bit stuck with BMA. I get the impression now that the Efis Sport is a much newer generation product where all lessons learned are put into while the Efis One is an older product which is not upgraded much any more. So is the Efis Sport a better option, is it more plug-and-play and will it give us less trouble? All your opinions are very much appreciated!


Ren? Bubberman
PH-VII RV-7 TipUp Fadec
AP servos

Perhaps the servos can be used with another AP? You could always sell the servos.
Another option would be an EFIS Lite G3 as your back up instrument. It also has the capability of driving the Blue Mountain autopilot. Then put in whatever EFIS you desire as a primary.

There is a unit for sale on e-bay the bidding is at purchase price of a new unit but you do not have to wait for delivery. I believe it is still under warranty. URL below

Alternatively as mentioned above I suspect you can get your purchase price for the system from the guy who buys the EFIS off of e bay.

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