
Well Known Member
I just purchased an F1 Rocket with a pair of vintage 2007 Horizon EFIS Series one. I need to add ADSB and I was wondering what the best way to go is. It has an SL30 and a 430W. I was looking at a Tailbeacon or the Echo. My question is are the older GRT units somehow upgraded to add ADSB or do they both need replaced ? It appears the EFIS have a moving map display

I have the even older Horizon WS. They display ads-b in traffic and weather data just fine. Yours should do even better.

Your GRT Horizon EFIS will display ADSB weather and traffic, but it will only accept that data in GDL90 format as a serial input (RS232). It will not accept USB (the USB port on the EFIS is for database maintenance). It also needs to have the latest software installed (Version 36.00).

I'm not sure if ECHO provides the proper output, check with the guys at GRT. I use a Stratux ADSB receiver with my GRT.

Jim Butcher