
Well Known Member
I'm remodding my panel with garmin g3x touch. Being that I have a fixed pitch o-320 in my 9A, I do not need to have a manifold transducer in my setup, correct? Someone mentioned that I "could" have this. I don't see why. Could only think that it may be an input needed for the new efis. Thx, DM
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I'm remodding my panel with garmin g3x touch. Being that I have a fixed pitch o-320 in my 9A, I do not need to have a manifold transducer in my setup, correct? Someone mentioned that I "could" have this. I don't see why. Could only think that it may be an input needed for the new efis. Thx, DM

Hello drmax,

Thank you for choosing G3X for your 9A!

While a M.P. pressure sensor is not required, we use M.P. for the percent power calculation, so if you want to see this information, you would need to install this sensor. I have one for my fixed pitch installation for this reason.

Hello drmax,

Thank you for choosing G3X for your 9A!

While a M.P. pressure sensor is not required, we use M.P. for the percent power calculation, so if you want to see this information, you would need to install this sensor. I have one for my fixed pitch installation for this reason.


Steve, email sent.