
Well Known Member
So a lot of these screens look really nice and useful, but say for example you have a lot of manual items, be it trim, flaps or the like...will those items show up on the screens zeroed out and just be clutter, or will it blank out items it does not have an input for?
So a lot of these screens look really nice and useful, but say for example you have a lot of manual items, be it trim, flaps or the like...will those items show up on the screens zeroed out and just be clutter, or will it blank out items it does not have an input for?


I suspect it depends on the EFIS. With the Dynon, you have to turn on those features for them to show up. Also, with the Dynon, you can "de-clutter" the screen by turning of any of the display items. Thus if you use the Dynon EFIS as an artificial horizon only, you can turn off all the other things it is capable of displaying.
Well, I can really only speak for the Dynon line of products since that's what I have in my airplane, but virtually everything an be turned on and off in the display (within reason). For example, on the Dynon EFIS you can turn EVERYTHING off -- one feature at a time -- except for the artificial horizon. On the EMS, there are some fields which I believe have to be displayed on the main screen -- for example, RPM, Fuel guages, CHT and EGTs. Everything else is configurable...you decide what you want to display and where you want to display it.

One more data point, with the MGL EFIS products (Enigma, Voyager, Odyssey), you have total control over what is shown on the screen, and where. Their screens are totally configurable. In fact, you can configure something like 9 separate screens.

As I recall, in my buddies AFS 3500, the flap and elevator trim indicators light up for 30 sec or so when you make a change in position, then go away until the next input.

I choose not to use the built in indicator features in my GRTs, felt the smallish screens were already displaying a lot of info, and didnt want to add any extra "clutter".

I ended up with the Ray Allen LED bar graph indicators.

As I suspect different units have different capabilities, your best bet will be to contact the mfg of what ever units you end up using.

The AFS3x00 (and I assume the Advanced Deck is the same) does not display a gauge if its transducer is not connected.

I went with MGL because of functionality, size and price. I mounted it last year but didn't have time to read the manual and play with it. Now I'm having to deal with actually turning it on and getting it ready to monitor ops. Not a tech guy. Very impressed with the menu based programming flexibility. Screen design is all done on your PC or laptop. You can easily configure dials, bars, text, colors, everything imaginable on the various screens. Voice commands (alarms) are also freestyle or factory issue. Use your own voice if you want. I designed one of the many available screens specifically for landing and pattern work. I don't need a simulated dial showing the manifold pressure. Just the facts (numbers) plus limit alarms. A GPS subscription is also not necessary. Download all of the current airspace info and transfer it into the unit via disk.

All of the EFIS manufactures probably offer a similar package so it?s hard to go wrong where ever you expose your VISA account number. I?m really shocked at the power of all the EFIS units compared to my totally basic, manual and round gauge 1959 C-172. All contained in a small plastic box!!