
Active Member
All, I'd like to ask a question of the VAF brain trust. I've got the top skins on my wings and am starting the fuse. I've been thinking about what AP components I should purchase and install while I have easy access. I know I want an EFIS, but I haven't committed to a brand/system. I also agree with several comments here on VAF that the EFIS is one of the last things I should buy because price/tech is always changing. So here are my quesions.

1. If I get roll/pitch AP servos from company X, am I committing to that company for all the other components, i.e. Dynon servos so I must buy Dynon everything else?
2. If I get a servo from one company, say Garmin, but later choose another EFIS due to cost/tech etc, say MGL, will that servo be compaitble with any other system?
3. Is there any difference between a really expensive servo, and a really cheap one?
4. What about other components like AHARS/IFF/ADSB? Will one company's box talk to another's EFIS?
5. Am I jumping the gun a little, and should just wait until further along in the build to decide/purchase all common components, or is my current "easy access" really a big asset and I should definately make my decision and install now?

Thanks for any/all answers.
All, I'd like to ask a question of the VAF brain trust. I've got the top skins on my wings and am starting the fuse. I've been thinking about what AP components I should purchase and install while I have easy access. I know I want an EFIS, but I haven't committed to a brand/system. I also agree with several comments here on VAF that the EFIS is one of the last things I should buy because price/tech is always changing. So here are my quesions.

1. If I get roll/pitch AP servos from company X, am I committing to that company for all the other components, i.e. Dynon servos so I must buy Dynon everything else?
2. If I get a servo from one company, say Garmin, but later choose another EFIS due to cost/tech etc, say MGL, will that servo be compaitble with any other system?
3. Is there any difference between a really expensive servo, and a really cheap one?
4. What about other components like AHARS/IFF/ADSB? Will one company's box talk to another's EFIS?
5. Am I jumping the gun a little, and should just wait until further along in the build to decide/purchase all common components, or is my current "easy access" really a big asset and I should definately make my decision and install now?

Thanks for any/all answers.

Press on.

Deal with it later.

But if you must .....

Many of the servos are dimensionally consistent with the TruTrak servos.
So ... if you had to get servo hardware, I would say get it from Trutrak and potentially their excellent autopilots.

Then if you decide on a particular EFIS, and that EFIS works with TT, you are golden.

If you decide on a EFIS and want their servos, some will just "drop in" to the TT hardware, so to speak. Those servos will NOT work with other EFIS vendors displays.

Trio Pro

I went with a Trio Pro on my -6 which is independent from EFIS and it work great. I plan to go the same route with the -9.

Having an EFIS do everything is neat and cost effective but for me, the Trio Pro fit the bill.

They say installing servos with wings off is best way to go. Depending on how young and flexible you are, you may want to go ahead and install them now rather than later.

Good luck.
The servos can be installed later without trouble. Keep building and don't commit to anything yet.

The only servos that are compatible with multiple systems are the TruTrak servos, because hey have their own programmers and are independent of the EFIS. The other servos, though, usually allow more integration, while also creating more dependence. I'd wait until your airframe is done before touching EFIS or servos. Don't forget to run conduits, but no need to do any wiring or installations ahead of time.
The servos can be installed later without trouble. Keep building and don't commit to anything yet.
I Agree with Jesse.

Mounts and servos are easy to put in through the access panels. I purchased and installed my servos before putting the bottom skins on. Then had to remove them to rivet the bottom skins (need room for the arm in the access panel). Then installed them again, then removed them again for the acid etch and rinse for paint. Then finally installed them.

ADHR's and other components are also specific to the EFIS vendor. Don't buy any of it until you are working on the wiring.
The jury is in . . . .

I would agree, build on. Laying some flooring in the aft fuse to do that work is not that difficult. Do leave off the forward top fuse skin, though. If I did it again, I would work through and do the panel and wiring last. Yes, there are things, holes, etc that are a little more difficult by building on, but proper tools make that easy.

Angle drill, hole saws for said, or small hole punches, and if you wish to avoid pull rivets, then get a 3"+ alligator squeezer or find a place to borrow one.

One area to plan ahead on. Wiring or pitot tube runs under the canopy side rails. When you make the heavy bulkheads at the spar, you might just run some tubing (thin wall) or conduit there to make pulling and chafing protection easy. I wanted to run the ELT wiring there to avoid interference. YMMV

This way you will get the best panel, and you can make elegant wiring runs.

Happy building!!
When to buy

My 8 was painted , reassembled , almost ready for " a pre flight " before I purchased a panel .