
Well Known Member
Just having fun on the laptop, for entertainment and not meant for instruction, new parts on an old engine. I was trying to document the build but got overwhelmed when I discovered there are over 2000 pics :rolleyes: should have started on the emp but that was boring, so Ill do it like Star Wars...backwards.
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But aren't the knobs supposed to be ordered left to right throttle, prop, mixture? 23.777 D

Anyway, the mixture knob... shouldn't it be somewhere on the instrument panel where it won't get bumped? EFII and SDS both recommend this and I know of an instance where the pilot knocked it full rich and stopped the engine in flight.

Supposed to? as in certified aircraft? Never thought about the certified aspect of the control location, only what felt right for me. If I ever sell I guess they can drill a hole and put it where they want, this is where I wanted it and works well there, the location just flows better for me with the pre landing check list, Thanks for the heads up on the instance you noted above, I'll investigate that possibility and see if it applies to this setup. Thanks :D
Looks good man! Nice work.
Based on experience, I do agree that that location for the mixture nob might not be ideal. Obviously you can do what you want, but the reality is, once you get things dialed in, you won?t touch it much. Just my 2cents