
Well Known Member
Quick question: is this EFII BPM-1-90 fuel pump installed backwards. (The input is plumbed to the right side through a filter that is not shown).


I'm asking because on my first attempt to pump fuel, there's no fuel flow yet the pump makes noise like it's running.

EFII is on summer vacation until next Tuesday :-(

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Thank you, Kai. The orientation of the components in the pictures are identical to mine and I remained puzzled. Then I read this sentence near the end of Don McNamara's posting:

" ... The pump seems to work as advertised, once I got it primed by starting the engine and letting the engine-driven pump do the hard work ..."

I just had an "ah ha!" moment! Will report back.

Yep, that was it. I cranked the engine (no top plugs installed) until there was fuel pressure (and oil pressure too). Then the boost pump would do its thing. 46 - 50 GPH from each tank so now I'm a happy camper.

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction (and thanks to Don McNamara for his posting 2 years ago -- really helped me out).

Joe, where did you get the 90* fittings? I recently bought this pump and it came with straight fittings.
Joe, where did you get the 90* fittings? I recently bought this pump and it came with straight fittings.

I ordered the BPM-1-90, which is the BPM-1 pump with 90-degree instead of straight fittings. Perhaps EFII could swap your fittings or you could find them locally at an industrial hose supply outlet (where I've shopped for steel fittings for use with my oil lines).
Might I suggest that the pump 90 be turned away from orthogonal such that the aluminum tubing is not so close where it crosses itself?
Pump needs to be primed

I was surprised and pleased when Robert Paisley of EFII returned from vacation and phoned me today. He confirmed the pump needs to be primed (once -- after that it'll start reliably even after running a tank dry).

Robert said the easiest way to prime the pump is to disconnect the fuel hose at the inlet of the engine-driven fuel pump and pour about 2 cups of fuel down the hose, through the firewall, and into the boost pump's outlet. He also said the downloadable instructions have been updated to reflect this.

Joe, I'm glad you posted this because it just help me realize that I installed MY pump backwards! :D:eek:
It sure looks like that thing could just be fliped over, and use the other set of mounting feet.

Re-adjust the 90* fittings and all is good :confused:
It's really a non issue. I just have to flip the unit over and adjust the 90* fittings. I have to take it out eventually to paint the interior anyway.