
Well Known Member
I have always considered myself somewhat computer literate, but I must admit I need a little help. I retired a few years ago and moved to a new state. As it often happens, life got in the way and I have been a littled absent from the forum. I checked back a while ago and was suprised to see a new format! Looks great, but I'm having a difficult time trying to figure out how to edit my profile to reflect my new location. Any help would be great. Thx!
I have always considered myself somewhat computer literate, but I must admit I need a little help. I retired a few years ago and moved to a new state. As it often happens, life got in the way and I have been a littled absent from the forum. I checked back a while ago and was suprised to see a new format! Looks great, but I'm having a difficult time trying to figure out how to edit my profile to reflect my new location. Any help would be great. Thx!

Click on your user name, top right corner of screen. The one to the right of the search bar. All will be revealed. Click on account details. Hope this helps.

Click on your user name, top right corner of screen. The one to the right of the search bar. All will be revealed. Click on account details. Hope this helps.

Thank you. I could get to the edit portion, but did not realize "account details" was a link.