
Active Member
Hi guys

Does anyone have a Word version of the POH and MM for the RV12iS?

I have fitted a Aeromomentum engine so need up update the standard manuals accordingly and the Vans download is a PDF version.


Can't help you out with Word versions of the documents you are interested in.

However, you should be able to customize the documents to fit your needs easily. Since not every page needs to be changed, you could print out those pages that won't need any massaging for your Aeromomentum engine. And for those pages that do require editing, just highlight the text for the entire PDF page and copy that to the clipboard, then open Word and paste the text into the word document .... make the edits to reflect your Aeromomentum engine and print the page. When pasting into the word document by selecting "Keep Source Formatting" it will allow you to keep the same font, size, ect. as the PDF file.

I've done this successfully in the past, so I know the process will work. Granted it is labor intensive, especially if you want your pages printed front and back .... but it is doable.
I just edit it in Adobe Acrobat.. usually I just like to put my serial # and N# on the front page, rather than write them in.