
Active Member
I'm in the process of mounting the horz. stab. to my RV8 fuselage and have begun drilling the 4 bolt holes through the HS-814 splice angle, aft deck, and 810C angle that spans the 810 bulkhead. The two outermost holes also penetrate the 887 upper longerons. Per the directions I've drilled the first holes with a #30 bit to be followed up with a #12 to accept the AN-3 bolts. You can see from the accompanying photo that the outermost hole doesn't have enough edge distance on the 810C angle underneath.

As I see it, I have two options: Add a 1/8" thick doubler underneath the flange of the 810 angle that extends past the end of the angle and use longer bolts, or (the least desired option) rip out the 810C angle and replace it with a longer one. The only problem there is that it wouldn't be much longer than the one already installed and might not provide the desired amount of edge distance.

Any suggestions?
James Baker
Replace, but...

IMO, I'd replace the 810C with one that is a perfect fit between the longerons. You'll have to radius the corners of the new piece to avoid interference with the radius along the inside corner of the longeron, but it'll help the edge distance. That said, it's not going to be possible to use a 3/16 bolt and have adequate edge distance everywhere. If you maintain the correct edge distance on the longeron, it'll need to be centered on the 3/4 width which means best case you'll end up with 1/4 edge distance on the 810C.

Good luck.
Here's what I would do. Pull the #12 hole inbd and put a bolt in it. Then move on. It'll never fail. I'll be most the RV's in the air have the same spacing.
Replace if a structural member


I know you put a lot of work into fabricating the angle bracket then installing that animal. I decided a long time ago, if it is a structural member and there is a question concerning structural integrity, replace the part. You do not want to find out or have to worry during your forty hour fly off how that part is holding up. I am guessing this is a pretty important mounting member as you are securing the HS to it. You can take new measurements with the current one while it is in place for a better fit of the new one (I have done this before and end up with a better fitting part). I agree with your second less preferred option. I have found I would stress more over thinking about replacing than actually replacing the part. I don't know how many times I have stayed awake at night worrying about things like this. Your riveting looks nice.

Best of Luck,

Edge distance

Thanks for the input guys. I have decided to replace the angle as a couple of you suggested. (I figured all along I should probably do that; I was just dreading the extra work).

Jim Baker
I replaced

I had this issue with my QB but I read about it on another builders site. When I looked at mine I saw that it was too far from the edge of the longeron. I drilled it out and replaced it. At first I thought I would have to take the hole aft deck off, but I drilled out the rivet, from the shop head no less and was able to remove the part.

NOTE: I had the part in my inventory even though I had the QB kit, if you cut the part using the guide hole you will end up with another on that is too short. If you order the part from Van's don't use the guide holes, cut it longer. The easy thing is just order the angle stock and make it from scratch. This was one area I did not want any issues with edge distance. I wanted the tail to stay on.

You can see pictures in my log under "Fuselage" date 9/22/08 It was a really easy replacement for me.

This link should take you to it:
