I cant belive I did this,but I think it is no big deal.Here goes I riveted the HS306 end ribs to the HS spar and one of two rivets is only 1 dia edge dist on the flange of rib.I think this is no big deal because of all the other rivets that will be installed when the skin goes on ,and trying to repair would make more of a mess.Can I get away with this?I know it should be 2 dia but I think I can let this slide because of all the other rivets. any thoughts our input.Thanks Jim
Yes, it's no big deal. You can even install another rivet with proper distance between them if you want. You can even cut rib flanges off & rivet new ones on. I only worry when holes get drilled into spars with bad edge distance in the spar itself.

L.Adamson --- RV6A
No big deal...

...but as mentioned, you can cut off the flange and rivet on a new one in very fast order, match drill and get your clearances. The flanges on the 3 ribs are very inconsistently manufactured. I chose to do this on that exact part.
I agree - fixable, no big deal. We are pretty far along in framing up the fuselage (starting to look at skinning), and I can already tell I'll be doing some creative flange work on a few bulkheads and baggage compartment ribs. It's all fixable....
