
Well Known Member
Do the edge distance minimums vary depending on type of load (shear, tension, etc.), magnitude of load, type of material (steel or Al, sheet metal, structural shape, etc.), and load applied? 1.5D? 2.0D? I've seen conflicting advice. What is the standard of practice for our kits?
Stand practice for the -14 is follow the directions. I haven't had to research anything like that.
Yeah, not helpful. Even if you follow the directions, when you match drill the elevator horns, depending on how the tolerances stack up, you could possibly be drilling too close to the edge, unless you know what the minimum is.
Yeah, not helpful. Even if you follow the directions, when you match drill the elevator horns, depending on how the tolerances stack up, you could possibly be drilling too close to the edge, unless you know what the minimum is.

The instructions have you use the aft most horn (marking distances to keep good edge margins) for the first hole so that the matching hole goes into the other horn with good edge distance. If your horns are off so much that you're flirting with edge distance on the forward one you may want to call Van's for advice.
Standard is 2D, however, 1.5D or less may be approved by the engineering folks depending on the material, loads etc. Anything less than 2D you should seek approval.