
Well Known Member
Hi Folks.

I noticed that in a couple of spots the edge distance is pretty close to the minimum on part VS-808 the (1/8" thick VS doubler). From what I can tell looking at the Mil Spec for an 1/8", rivet the actual minimum is more generous at 0.219 vs the 2D (.25) rule of thumb.

Anyone else run into this or can confirm that it's ok to use .219" for the edge margin? I have an email in to Vans and figured I'd ask here too.

My MDRA inspector said some edge distances in my fuselage made the fuselage unairworthy and had me contact Van's. Then he recanted and said if it's OK with Van's engineers it would be OK with him (he talked to his superiors).
You should be OK
Thanks Ron, that conversation with the inspector must have got your attention... I'm glad it was OK.

Vans did indeed confirm that my edge distance concern is not a problem.

Figured I should follow up here just in case another picky "new guy" like me notices the same thing:rolleyes:
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No the MDRA inspector did not get my attention on this matter as I knew better and knew it would soon be worked out. I have good faith in Van's engineering.
Agreed, and it sure helps that they are quick to provide support to the people that buy their products.

Just finished my first priming session tonight. Will start my first real riveting on the weekend...