
Well Known Member
I’m having an issue with the small tabs on the bulkheads that are drilled in association with the F824 side skins and F887 upper longerons.

I’m really struggling for edge distance when Mach drilling using the holes in the side skins. The bulkheads are clecoed down and all the prepunched holes line up in the bulkheads and side skins. But when looking at the position of the tabs relative to the side skin and longeron I’m really struggling to maintain edge distance when drilling.

to move the Tab to maintain edge distance would mean twisting the top of the bulkhead backwards, which would then create issues elsewhere.

Anyone else had this? Or just build on?

I may be wrong, but from the looks of the picture, the longeron is not aligned with the top edge of the side skin. That should give you some more room if you choose to replace the bulkhead.
I may be wrong, but from the looks of the picture, the longeron is not aligned with the top edge of the side skin. That should give you some more room if you choose to replace the bulkhead.
It is flush, double checked that before drilling. But the relative position of the longeron doesn’t make a difference to the position of the bulkhead tab relative to the side skin. I’m also drilling using a drill cup and bush to make sure I’m square to the longeron itself.