
Well Known Member
Just some numbers to show the economy and utility of these birds. My son was at his cousin's in Des Moines for the holiday and needed to be back in Minneapolis today for opening night at his sister's play. I was told to "go get him". The choice was to drive the family truckster down (500sm, 7.8 hrs @23 smpg), or make the pickup via RV-9A (500sm 3.2hrs @ 27 smpg).

Since the weather was clear, there really was no choice.

Running the numbers on cost:

Mini-Van 500/23 = 21 gal at $3/gal = $63

RV-9A 500/27 =18.5 gal at $4/gal = $74

The world is prettier at 8500 feet and I got back almost 4.5 hours.

Yes, I ignored some cost of owning a plane, but let me dream........
Your air miles and road miles CAN't be the same:D

How would your calculation work if you put the road miles vs. the air miles (you can get road miles from any of the online mapping programs).

I'm willing to bet gas cost was a total wash.
Holiday Week

My economy story for the week started when a non-pilot pal of mine ask for a ride to the airport. The mission was KSBA (Santa Barbara, CA) to KSLC (Salt Lake City UT) I dutifully dropped him off at the terminal and drove to the other side of the airport to do a few chores around the hangar. I started thinking about the time/money issue. The numbers look like this:

Drive, 11 hours 40 minutes, fuel cost $93.00

Fly RV8, 3 hours 44 minutes, Fuel cost $153.00

Airline, 5 hours 49 minutes (change airplanes in Phoenix) Ticket price $573.00

John Clark
RV8 N18U "Sunshine"
Pretty close

Hi Noah,

In this case it was pretty close on miles due to where the airports are and the fact that I-35 practially runs from my door to my sister-in-laws door.

It was a good trip even if is cost a little more. My son likes it b/c he gets to run the satellite radio when I am working with ATC.

We got vectors thru the Bravo in Minne today and got to come right over the international jet port.