
Well Known Member
I?ve been thinking of converting my O-360 A1A to some kind of forward facing injection setup.
Cost is primary driver, not so much performance or acro.
Obviously I?ll need a new sump, high pressure pump, and all the bits. Cowling mods are no problem.

What setup fits the bill?

Thanks in advance,

The best solution would be to contact Don at Airflow Performance and get him to set you up.

IMHO, he has the best system and it will be cost competitive with the lowest cost new system.

It can be installed on your updraft sump. If you really want a horizontal intake that will add another $1,500 US on to the FI system (~$3K), mechanical pump ($250-$300) and electric pump ($600-$1K).

I am going from memory on prices and they may be higher. Have not shopped for some of this stuff in a couple of years. Was surprised to learn Vac Gyro overhaul prices have gone up 50% in 4-years a couple of years ago and the overhaul price was the same price new gyros were 20-years ago.
Watch out if you are set on replacing the sump ? a horizontal sump may not play nice with your cowling and exhaust. I am in the process of pulling a horizontal induction sump and replacing it with a vertical induction sump due to cowling and exhaust issues on my airframe (not an RV, but an RV4 would have a similar fitting issues). I am keeping the Airflow Performance FM150 FI and expect to fit it horizontally using a 90 degree elbow adapter they sell.
Watch out if you are set on replacing the sump ? a horizontal sump may not play nice with your cowling and exhaust.

Thanks for the warning but I already assumed that there would be cowl mods to do and possibly a new exhaust.

I guess it's coming down to whether to pick an Airflow Performance injector or Bendix. Everything else is similar.

Anybody have opinions on Airflow vs Bendix?


Follow Post #2's recommendation to contact Don. I am planning an installation on a non-RV experimental, and had a Bendix RSA fuel control. I followed his advice and did not to just ditch the Bendix unit. AFP did the overhauled the whole system. These injectors are tunable using AFP's parts.