
Well Known Member
Anyone know of a builder's log that details the assembly of an ECI engine kit? I ordered my kit today and would like to see how someone else put theirs together.
Bill Repucci, Terry Tibbits (A&P/RV-9 builder) and I will be building an ECI O-360 engine later this month. We will be doing a much greater photo detail and write-up so stay tuned.

I must say that building my engine was by far the greatest experience in the aircraft build. You are going to LOVE it!

If you have any questions from the website, feel free to ask.
Definitely looking forward to Bill's log of his engine assembly. He really convinced me to go this route. A word about Brian's Meyette's website that is listed in a reply. You are not supposed to put silk around the bolt holes for the "through" bolts. He realized that later, and makes a statement about it in the commentary, just the picture still shows it. Really great pics though.

I have to say this is a pretty exciting part of the build. I have done so much sheetmetal, I can do it in my sleep. I have only built one engine in my life and that was 21 years ago and I never got to fly behind it.

I really appreciate Bill R's encouragement to tackle this project! Thanks Bill!
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How much are you guys paying for your engine kits? Will AERO or Superior sell direct to somebody like me, or does it have to go through some kind of builder? Is Superior still in business?

I am leaning towards buying a runout core to rebuild that still runs good primarily in an attempt to save money. But the other really big reason is so that I can do my initial running with the old cylinders. I am going to want to run the engine quite a bit to do system checks and taxi runs, and I don't want to have to worry about breaking in new cylinders while I'm doing it. I can then do a top overhaul some time later.

I have watched a couple videos and read what I can find, but what really put me over the edge to decide that I really do want to build my own engine was to watch a certified rebuild at an FBO. I have a fair amount of experience with race car engines and a pretty extensive mechanical background. The attention to detail that I have acquired over the years will make my engine at least as good as anything that I see as a certified field overhaul.
I paid $16.5 for mine from AERO. That didn't include an ignition system. I looked at all my options before coming to my final decision. Doing the math on a "run-out" just didn't add up. I would still have 10-12k into an engine that had 4000 TT. I took the hit now but I have no regrets. The ECI engine is really sweet. Actually slightly more than 160 HP and has some significant design improvements over older engines. You can't buy direct from ECI and there are lot's of builders that sell them. I chose AERO because they are an advertiser on VAF. I made that clear to them. AERO will sell to you. I worked with Ben. They have great customer service.
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