Paul Austin

Active Member
Has anyone has installed an ECI IOX-360 in an RV7A. I am interested to know your thoughts of the engine and how the installation went (like to see some pics) also does the FWF kit supplied by vans work with these engines. Where is the best place to get one of these engines in kit form so i can get it assembled in AUS to save some $$$$:rolleyes:
Houston to Austin "we have a plan"!

Paul, I hate to see you all alone on this one. I may get in some hot water here, but I like your part of the world and like the idea of going there one day in an RV. I have this engine on my "8" and Know the the people that did the "R&D" to give it to us. I would not have it any other way. There is a shop in Tulsa, OK. That is used by some of us to buy kits. You will need to make your own deal, but Stephen Fowler is a good guy at America's. You have a verey good name in TEXAS. Good luck and god speed. #80888