
Well Known Member
Hello all,

I own a flying RV-6 but did not built it. I was recently looking at the engine logbook and noticed that a log entry from September 30th, 2011 (nearly 2 years after the ECI cylinder AD was published) says that "4 new AEL65102 cylinders were installed".

I believe AEL65102 refers to ECI cylinders. But given the date of the installation, is it a given that these cylinders are affected by the AD? Or did ECI continue to produce cylinder assemblies that were not subject to the airworthiness directive?

I asked the previous owner and he said he wasn't aware of any AD on the cylinders. I'm going to look through the paperwork I have and see if I can glean any serial numbers, but if I can't find a paperwork trail, what's the best way to proceed?

You should be able to read the serial numbers on two of the cylinders using flashlight and mirror. The two you won’t be able to read are a bit difficult, but doable. I used a tongue depressor with a thin slather of modeling clay on the end, slipped it between the two cylinders and used a a small screwdriver to wedge it into the serial number of the cylinder, carefully pry it free, then pull it out to read the imprint on the clay. Took a couple tries to get a good imprint but worked just fine.
I did this last year on my never flown IO-320 Mattituck with ECI cylinders. Mine were Group A cylinders, but I decided to just go ahead and replace them with new Superior Millennium assemblies. $$Ouch$$!
what are the serial numbers of your cylinders?

I am not sure. It wasn't detailed in the log entry. I'll have to start rifling through paperwork to see if there's any further detail on that.
I did this last year on my never flown IO-320 Mattituck with ECI cylinders. Mine were Group A cylinders, but I decided to just go ahead and replace them with new Superior Millennium assemblies. $$Ouch$$!

Thanks for the tip on retrieving the serial numbers from the cylinders. Replacing all the jugs without ever having even flown them, now that's painful. I know ECI offered relatively inexpensive replacements for the Group B cylinders, maybe that's what precipitated the change on my aircraft. I guess one way or another I'll find out.


I had ECI cylinders of the same part number and era (2011 - post AD). I wouldn't depend on them being good despite being out of the range of "bad" cylinders.

My experience was detailed in a thread I started here.