
Active Member
Unfortunately I did not make it to Oshkosh. So I was wondering, did anyone notice if ECI had a booth there this year? If so, did it look like business as usual with the engine displays, etc. ?
Yes they did

The booth was there with the usual displays. It was located behind the learning to fly center if I remember correctly. No cylinder deals to be found.
Unfortunately I did not make it to Oshkosh. So I was wondering, did anyone notice if ECI had a booth there this year? If so, did it look like business as usual with the engine displays, etc. ?
They were there. They had several engines on display.

I am having America's Aircraft Engines (AAE) build my ECI IOX-340 engine. I Spent several hours in the booth talking with Richard & Steve at AAE along with J.B. and other ECI employees about my engine. I really like these guys. Good guys to work with.
Thanks for the quick feedback guys. I appreciate it. I too have an ECI engine ordered through AAE and I agree, great guys.
Same place

Yep, they were in the same place. Also talked with Steve and Richard. Said they are getting everything in line with the new cases. No changes at all. There were some tooling issues but are being resolved. (much more of a story that doesn't need to be posted here, boring).

Also, I believe BPE inked with them to build ECI engines. That is really great news!!!

They still share a tent with the guys from Phillips 66. The ECI guy showed me how where I could install a quick-drain valve under the 90 deg oil filter adapter to make oil changes less messy.