
Well Known Member
After 5+ years of using the Navworx ADSB unit successfully, I have to replace it with a 1090ES ADSB unit for some international travel. I'm replacing it with the Trig TT22 ES Transponder and the EchoUAT for ADSB in-only.

I'm installing both units remotely behind the baggage bulkhead on my RV10 where the Navworx unit was installed. Both will be controlled by my GRT HXr EFI

Any one have experience with the EchoUAT Wifi function talking to a Foreflight iPad in the cockpit?

It just occurred to me that sitting behind the bulkhead might effectively block the Wifi signal to my precious iPad!
Not a 10 but...

Mine is behind baggage bulkhead, and I can walk 10? away from plane and still get a good signal.