Darin Watson

Well Known Member
Installed an echoUAT and have a legacy KT76A transponder, so I am using the sniffing function. I see several threads regarding setting the transponder threshold at 1350 or perhaps slightly lower. The website makes reference to lowering this setting in 100 increments.

I cannot seem to fine how or where to access this setting?
Installed an echoUAT and have a legacy KT76A transponder, so I am using the sniffing function. I see several threads regarding setting the transponder threshold at 1350 or perhaps slightly lower. The website makes reference to lowering this setting in 100 increments.

I cannot seem to fine how or where to access this setting?

Once you are connected via the app, use a two-finger tap on the ?Echo? logo at the top of the configurations screen. That will get you to the Advanced Settings section where you can adjust the threshold value.
MUX cable is where I ended up after countless attempts to find correct Monitor Threshold Value. MUX works perfectly...

Went for a short test flight today and ended at 1200 for flawless response. What exactly is this setting for? The name suggests perhaps rejection of other nearby pings?