
Well Known Member
Just finished installing the EchoUAT and Skyfix. Simple installation with few wires! Could not be easier...
BUT...man, there is always a but...I cannot get weather or traffic to show on Avare. I know others have had good luck with this, so I am hoping I am missing something in the settings or Avare I/O plugin.
I have a KT76A Transponder. Tablet is a Samsung Tab S2.
When I connect via WiFi to the ABS-B using the Avare external plugin, in the "connect to GPS/ADBS block" appears the code 43211 below the wifi icon. Not sure if this is the port number.
The device seems to connect. But I am not seeing a stream of data like I would when I pair the tablet to my XGPS160 via bluetooth. Now it just states connected. No data stream.
I am not getting any Traffic or Weather in flight. Nor is Avare using the WAAS GPS that comes with the Skyfix box as the GPS source (Not sure if it would, but that's the hope). I am having to use the internal GPS from the tablet. Not ideal due to battery drain.

As far as the Avare settings:
GPS Position source to: ALL
Use ADSB Weather is checked
Airmet/Sigment Type is checked ALL ADSB
Filter ADSB Traffic is set to 100000 since I was getting nothing on 1000. Still nada.
Show ADSB Call Signs is checked.
Show Game TFRs is checked.

In the Installation section of the Echo App its set to:
App (Wifi) Transponder Monitor
External GPS: (com2)
MFD: (com2)
Com Rate: 115200
Com2 Input Protocol: NMEA

Does any of this look off?
Most likely the correct port is not set in Avare I/O, contact uAvionix for the correct port number.

You might try 4000, that is the correct port for the Stratux receiver.
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You are correct on both counts. Shortly after I posted this and you replied, Uavionix contacted me. 4000 is the ticket. It comes defaulted to a different port. Avare does not have a drop down to select alternate ports so one has to type in the correct one. Started working immediately. Thanks!
Just finished installing the EchoUAT and Skyfix. Simple installation with few wires! Could not be easier...

Hi Scott,

I plan to go the same route with my -4. Did you install the SkyFYX under the cowl per uAvionix recommendation? Is it working well in that location? Do you have any pictures...?


No photos yet. I'll get some today. I mounting both the Echo and the Skyfix boxes low on the cockpit side of the baggage compartment wall. That way if you bend over or are outside the cockpit, you can see if the lights are lit indicating reception. The boxes are so tiny you can pretty much put them anywhere convenient. Both are thinner and shorter than a deck of cards. I ran the GPS antenna wiring to the firewall and mounted the puck underneath the cowling on a small shelf I fabricated. Vans sells a larger shelf for like $6.00. I just copied that but sized it down for the single receiver puck. Just a typical antenna farm shelf but sized down to only hold the one puck.

I ran the ADS-B antenna down inside the gear tower, then through the plate connecting the spars, then out the left side of the fuselage behind the spar. Used the second outboard wing inspection plate as the base for the antenna. Simple job. Took maybe an hour with a second guy helping feed the RG-400 cable from cockpit to wing. Hardest part of the job was cramming my arm inside the wing far enough to get the cable.

I set the traffic for 100,000 feet at first so i could make sure it was working on the ground. Picked up a ton of sardine cans hauling people. Reset it for 4000 feet and went flying. Works very well in Avare so far. Might try other apps as well but Avare is so simple to use I've actually deleted some of the overly complicated programs I've been testing.