
Well Known Member
For Those who have installed the Uavionics Echo UAT. When you have all the proper settings programmed, should squawk code and density altitude be showing up on the monitor page of the install app while you?re on the ground? I?m using a GTX327, with the UAT sniffing it?s signal. Rs232 input with FADC w/ altitude selected for input from my GRT Sport SX, Icarus selected for output. GTX is not hardwired to the ECHO. I?ve confirmed that all settings in the GRT are correct.

Just want to make sure I?m not missing something before I take the airplane for a transponder check.
Is your transponder in standby mode? If so I don't believe you will see anything on the monitor until you are in the air and it switches to ALT mode and starts transmitting data, otherwise there is nothing for the Echo to 'sniff'.

Echo UAT

Can you see the red light (GPS) blinking in the Echo unit ? I had to send mine back for a new unit.

I?m getting lat and long coordinates, and gps altitude showing on the app monitor page. I?m wondering if the transponder needs to be interrogated by radar to send out a signal?.

Test flight upcommingbto see.....

I?m wondering if the transponder needs to be interrogated by radar to send out a signal?.

Is your transponder in standby mode? If so I don't believe you will see anything on the monitor until you are in the air and it switches to ALT mode and starts transmitting data, otherwise there is nothing for the Echo to 'sniff'.


Some years ago the faa asked pilots to run in ALT mode 100% of the time, including on the ground.
The weak link imho with UATs that rely on sniffers is that the transponder needs to be interogated, or there?s no data.
Ref your other thread, this is why I'm waiting for a hard wired solution for the Echo.....not the sniffer solution.

The sniffer is a good solution for UAVs, but I'm not a fan for our manned platforms. No ping, no sniff, no traffic.
The Echo interfaces to any modern transponder with a serial link. No need to sniff. Easy to configure in minutes.
The Echo interfaces to any modern transponder with a serial link. No need to sniff. Easy to configure in minutes.

Maybe so, I dont know.

What I do know is the 327 is neither modern nor does it pass altitude, hence the sniffing thing.

What I also dont know, and this is the question Im asking help with, is whether the GRT can provide the altitude or the 480 (via the GRT) on a wire.

In neither case is Altitude a single piece of info thats the 480s case its buried in the mapcom data and I dont know if the Echo can pick it out. As for the GRT, I flat dont know.

How is hardwire done with these specific pieces of avionics?
A GRT HX or HXR can output serial altitude encoder data. Don't know if other GRT models have that capability.
See wiring diagram below
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Serial output 4 (suggested port only, any serial out may be used)

So not ever having had a navworx box, I'm not totally tracking with what you know, so pls help me out here.

Being explicit, if I understand what youre driving at, if I select Navworx in the drop down menu on the Hxr and connect that port to the Echo, that'll equate to giving the Echo the altitude data it requires?....because the Echo is configured to understand Navworx "speak"?
GRT Hxr and GTX327 echo Uat

My GRT Hxr passes alt to the GTX327 via serial data and the echo Uat sniffs the alt. I got a 100% pass on the FAA report for the ADSB.
So not ever having had a navworx box, I'm not totally tracking with what you know, so pls help me out here.

Being explicit, if I understand what youre driving at, if I select Navworx in the drop down menu on the Hxr and connect that port to the Echo, that'll equate to giving the Echo the altitude data it requires?....because the Echo is configured to understand Navworx "speak"?

I don't have my GRT HX in front of me but I seem to recall a setting of altitude encoder for the serial out channel on the GRT. In my case, I connected the one altitude encoder serial out to both my 327 and to the Navworx box. This worked when I had my navworx.

My GRT Hxr passes alt to the GTX327 via serial data and the echo Uat sniffs the alt. I got a 100% pass on the FAA report for the ADSB.

I tried this exact setup when I had my echo. My FAA ads-b report failed. Same as it failed when I tried sniffing with the navworx box. Namely, I had baro alt failures. It was resolved for me with the navworx box when I hardwired altitude encoder from GRT to 327 and navworx. Don't have my echo anymore but presume it would do the same for the echo.
So not ever having had a navworx box, I'm not totally tracking with what you know, so pls help me out here.

Being explicit, if I understand what youre driving at, if I select Navworx in the drop down menu on the Hxr and connect that port to the Echo, that'll equate to giving the Echo the altitude data it requires?....because the Echo is configured to understand Navworx "speak"?

I believe you set it to EchoUAT/TMAP.


There isnt such a setting in the HXr. But I do see Alt Encoding 1 and 2 in the drop down, and I read it in the HS setup manual as providing either alt encoding formats...

My 327 gets altitude (and a whole lot else) from the 480 via 327 setting, but thats a Garmin specific format, but I've not read anywhere that the Echo is capable of understanding it.
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There isnt such a setting in the HXr. But I do see Alt Encoding 1 and 2 in the drop down, and I read it in the HS setup manual as providing either alt encoding formats...

Any chance you have older software? That feature was added in version 6.01 in July of 2017.

Any chance you have older software? That feature was added in version 6.01 in July of 2017.


Hoho! I see it now thanks a bunch. I kept missing it cause it says T22/echoUAT, just like that. Blew past it I guess cause the "echo" isnt "Echo"....and being pared with a T22 xndr, which I dont have, didnt look past the slash, and of course its not in the HX rev A documentation where these options are described. And thats my story and I'm sticking to it! ;)

Very cool. Learned something new today.

Thanks for this. FWIW I have 6.03 s/w August '17.............
Glad you found it! My unit with the GRT GPS is coming this week and I hope to have it installed and tested out by this weekend. I have a Sport SX and GTX 327.

Glad you found it! My unit with the GRT GPS is coming this week and I hope to have it installed and tested out by this weekend. I have a Sport SX and GTX 327.


I'd like to hear how your testing goes when you get it done please.

Looks like I also have the option to hook to the Mini-X as it has the same line item for T22/Echo (and is a dedicated RS485 A/B line) which I also didnt that is sweet.....but useless cause the same lines are used to inject xpdr info. But now I think I see where the RS232 Mux comes in.....
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