
Hi all.

I want to install a Flightstream 210 in my 6 to connect to a GNS 430. I have an EchoUAT ADSB in/out unit coupled to a 327 transponder.

Does anyone know if I will have problems or issues with the compatibility of these 2 units (Echo and Flightstream)?

Thank you
To my knowledge the Echo will not link up with the Flightstream. Garmin doesn't even allow their GAD39 to send ADSB to the Flightstream or to the 430 for that matter.

If you want ADS-B data to get to your Garmin devices you are going to need one of the Garmin products.

I could be wrong, but I don't think so.
No Issue

Hi all.

I want to install a Flightstream 210 in my 6 to connect to a GNS 430. I have an EchoUAT ADSB in/out unit coupled to a 327 transponder.

Does anyone know if I will have problems or issues with the compatibility of these 2 units (Echo and Flightstream)?

Thank you

I don't have a EchoUAT but I do have a flightstream 210, Garmin GNS430W and Garmin GTX330. The flightstream's function is to give you bluetooth connectivity to the 430 so that you can upload/download flight plans and receive GPS position data. The EchoUAT is an ADSB UAT Transceiver/1090ES receiver. It will provide traffic and weather data to a compatible tablet/software using WiFi. It may use a 430W NMEA Serial output as it's position source. The 327, Flightstream, and EchoUAT will use different serial ports to communicate with the 430W so compatibility is not an issue. Since the Flightstream and the EchoUAT communicate with your tablet using different wireless protocols, there's no issue using them together there either.
