
I am contemplating mounting my Uavionix Echo-UAT behind the baggage bulkhead and have heard that others have done this and had no problems with the strength of the wifi signal in the cockpit.

Just wondering if anyone here has this same setup and can provide real world feedback.

I mounted mine on the center brace that's under the rear window connected to the roll bar behind the seats on my RV7. The GPS module is in front of the inst. panel with the GPS antenna on the glare shield. Works OK with the iFly mounted in the panel & FAA report OK. The UAT is visible through the window,but it's not obnoxious in my opinion.
I mounted my Echo UAT behind the baggage bulkhead in the tailcone down low, along with the SkyFYX GPS on the top of the fuselage just behind the canopy.

No wifi issues at all with my I-fly 740.
I mounted my Echo UAT behind the baggage compartment in my RV-10. It has a good strong WiFi signal everywhere in and around the aircraft.