
Well Known Member
Earthlink lost my complete website for my belt buckles, so needless to say I am not going back to them. Any suggestions for a simple website builder that will do just a couple of simple pages with text and photos and maybe a PayPal link? Thanks in advance. Glenn
Word Press


PM me your # to discuss, but I'd suggest WordPress. It can be a blog or it can be a simple static site. It is very flexible and expandable. Here's a local site that is mostly static:

and here's a full on blog with add'l database backend for membership management I build for the Replica Fighters Association.

Both use WordPress.

I'm happy to host your site for you as well.

Glenn, I'm not clear on whether or not you still have your original site files, but if not you could try the Wayback Machine at to possibly see an old (archived) copy of your site. No guarantees it will work, but just enter your URL on the page and click "Take me Back". From there you might be able to save copies of your old site files.

For example, click here to see an archived version of from Sept 25, 2000. :)
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Glenn, I'm not clear on whether or not you still have your original site files, but if not you could try the Wayback Machine at to possibly see an old (archived) copy of your site. No guarantees it will work, but just enter your URL on the page and click "Take me Back". From there you might be able to save copies of your old site files.

For example, click here to see an archived version of from Sept 25, 2000. :)

Didn't work but I sure appreciate your time, and yes, they lost all "my stuff", silly me for not having a copy................
Glenn, clicking here, it will get you some of your content back.

BTW, I was able to access an archive of your site on from Nov 07. I don't know if that's too old or not. Click here. The pages are archived, but not the images.

Good luck!
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Glenn, clicking here, it will get you some of your content back.

BTW, I was able to access an archive of your site on from Nov 07. I don't know if that's too old or not. Click here. The pages are archived, but not the images.

Good luck!
Don't know how you did that, but thanks much! I already have the pictures saved and now have the text printed out. Shoot me a pm with your address and I will mail you one as a thank you. Glenn