
Well Known Member
Hi all, i recently added a second EFIS screen in front of the copilot. I just mounted it straight hoping for the best. However, I think it needs a cant to the pilot view. I was hoping to get some opinions on possible best and easiest method to doing this. BTW, this is a 2nd Skyview screen.

I could cut some Al tubing or even bend some metal on a brake. I was just hoping to hear from someone who has already done this and maybe what they did.

Paul Dye did a canted screen on his RV 8-------you might be able to search for it, I know there was a thread with photos and a nice writeup.
Paul Dye did a canted screen on his RV 8-------you might be able to search for it, I know there was a thread with photos and a nice writeup.

Basically, make two triangular-shaped wedges, with flanges all around, Pick up the existing screw holes/nut plates in the old cut-out with one set of holes in the flanges, and attach new nutplates in the other flange to receive the screws for the unit. The great thing about this system is that if you don't like it - you remove it, and haven't lost anything!

I stole the idea from Smoky (I think)....
Awesome. Thanks for the update. I see that you used .040 whereas the panel material is .060. I am glad to see the 040 worked out well.

It's funny, just seeing it done and the positive comments around it, is enough motivation to get my butt moving on this!

thanks for the update!
Hi Jae,

We've done many such variations of these over the years, and depending on what/where the screen is, you can do a number of different things. In the pictures below, we simply did what Paul said...made a metal wedge!

I'll see if I can dig up some other various and sundry examples.


Looking at that last photo makes me wonder... Why not cant the pilot's side screen towards the passenger, too? It probably wouldn't make a significant difference to the person sitting in front of it, but it would be nice for the passenger (or second pilot?) to see across?

I guess the lack of symmetry offends my industrial design experience... :p
Thanks Stein. Those look good as well.

After just a few short hours with the dual screen setup, i think having a canted screen is necessary if you want to utilize the copilot screen from the pilot's seat. Some day, i should video myself leaning way over to the copilots side trying to figure out what i am seeing. ;)

As far as the asymmetric design, it was good enough for Cirrus. Also, i know of a former Cirrus owner and now a builder who built a incredible Lancair ES, who wanted to duplicate the cockpit and panel of the Cirrus. I found an article below. I count 5 Al surfaces out of a single piece of Al that he had bent that happen to intersect a point about a couple inches round, conveniently near his eyeballs. That took some extra doing. ;)

I'd like to design an adjustable one (canted or not canted), usable on both side, pilot, passenger or co-pilot; and then some people like to fly from the tight seat.