
Well Known Member
I'm a long way from my engine cowling, but I've always liked the idea that some older (and a few newer) planes have of an engine cowling that can be easily opened to look over the engine on pre-flight. It's my understanding that RVs are not set up this way and the cowling is a bit of a pain to remove - at least for a 30 second look at the engine for obvious problems. Anyone built or know someone who has built such a feature?
Easy Open Cowling: Gary Newsted

I saw a cowling split along the top so each side lifted up. It was by Gary Newsted and unfortunately he no longer has his web site up. Gary did a super job on his RV-9 and his website was top notch. You might do a search and someone may have it archived.
The following link has a photo of Gary's plane but I don't think you can see the cowling design.

Steve Anderson
RV 7A Flying (today was beautiful, cool, clear)
Lafayette, La.