
Well Known Member
I just completed the easiest avionics upgrade ever. I had a PS Engineering PMA5000EX installed. I wanted to be able to make a bluetooth connection to the panel. The PDA360EX fit my needs. I talked with a PS Engineering representative at Airventure about the change. He assured me that I could simply pull out the 5000EX and install the 360EX - plug-and-play - without any other changes. Hard to believe right!

I took him at his word and ordered the new box. When it arrived in the mail, I literally pulled the 360EX out of the box, pulled the 5000EX out of the panel, and put the 360EX into the panel. It works perfectly and I didn't need to do any wiring or back panel work at all. Wow! Was that ever a refreshing experience. I wish more manufactures would take the same approach.

So, if you are considering an audio panel upgrade, and you have a PS Engineering panel, you should definitely consider the 360EX. It's a great audio panel with lots of cool features and, if you have one of the following, it's a plug-and-play replacement.

Plug and Play replacements:
All PMA8000 series

I'll also point out that, while completing the online registration process, I found the PDA360EX wasn't selectable from the drop-down menu. I emailed them about that and almost immediately got a reply back from CEO Mark Scheuer. In what alternate world does that happen any more? So, a big thumbs up for PS Engineering both for their products (especially plug-and-play upgrades) and for customer support.
