Piper J3

Well Known Member
I soloed April 4,1971 when I was in high school. My father flew a B-17H in WWII and he taught me to fly - this was after he and I rebuilt a 1946 Aeronca Chief. I flew 80 hours in the Aeronca and had to sell it to pay for college. After I got married, my father and I partnered in a nice J-3 Cub which I kept for 23 years, 1100 hours, and a lot of memories. Five years ago, I traded the Cub for a flying RV-12 and never looked back.

So today, Easter Sunday, April 4, 2021 is the 50th anniversary of my first solo. My father passed in 2008 - I have his USAAF Pilot Wings that my mother pinned on him, displayed on the RV-12 instrument panel. To celebrate, today I flew my RV-12 round trip to West Virginia - 250nm. My wife held up Easter dinner until I arrived home.

Beautiful day. I miss you Dad...


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Very nice story Jim. You must have a lot of good memories with your Dad. I soloed in March of ‘72, (Kalamazoo, MI), so 49 for me. I didn’t even think about it until I read your post.
Thats a really nice post,I know your dad was very proud of you and always will be.
Happy Easter.
I have my Dad’s Naval Aviator wings on the panel of my J3. We flew to Oshkosh five times (172 and Mooney 201). When he was flying the altitude and heading I would give him did not vary. He flew with me often in the J3 and was really excited watching me build my 3B. Lost him last year. Really miss him. One of the greatest generation

Bob Grigsby
My dad also got me started in aviation when he took me to my first CAP meeting as a 13 year old kid. 40 years later I got to give him a BFR. Aviation is definitely a fraternity/sorority.
I feel left out...

No aviators in my family, starting from scratch, buying my own RV-12, learning to fly when I was 61 years old.

But the friends I've made at airports with RV's has been phenomenal since I got my own plane. Great people to hang out with and learn from.

One thing for certain, it keeps your mind active and learning, constantly. Getting your PPL is getting your opportunity to then really learn how to fly.
April and flying........

My Dad was a great influence in my young life taking me to the airport in Durango, CO for my first front seat experience in a 172. He was an instructor during The Second Great War and flew PT-17 and PT-19: Stearmans and Ryans. I still have his first log books including his Student Pilot Rating Book (instruction log book) and his subsequent log book. He started instructing in 1943 with 195 hours logged. They needed pilots! He contracted TB in 1944 and was discharged with 433 hours of dual. There were some 8 hour days. He didn't fly much after as the love of flying had been beaten out of him, I guess.

I soloed on September 1, 1971 and soloed in my newly acquired J-3 Cub 04/04/1971. My private check ride was 04/02/1973 with 183 hours logged. I finally decided I needed my ticket if I was going to fly with someone! RV-4 SuzieQ came by a little later. Still have both airplanes. Sadly, my Dad Walked On when I was 17 so he never knew the real influence he had on my desire to fly. I have the small lapel wings from his uniform on my 'flying hat'. I still have his chest and hat wings prominently displayed.

We need to pay homage to those who turned us in the direction that eventually lead us to this amazing skill. Thanks, Dad. And Larry, my instructor.....


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